Protects Me, Protects You Artwork with the Shoshone Bannock Tribe Beaded


Protects Me — Protects You

Shoshone Bannock Tribe Beaded Share Graphic


Sharing Message Template

COVID-19 cases and deaths rates are higher than ever (January 2021), what happens next depends on how we continue to protect ourselves, which, in turn, protects our communities. Vaccines will help.

Keep up your guard until the end:
*Get vaccinated when it becomes available to you.
*Wear a mask
*Practice social distancing
*Ensure good ventilation indoors.

Let’s manage this pandemic together - "Protects Me, Protects You"

Grab downloadable graphics:

Have fun and customize graphic to illustrate your community symbols - see Indigenous share graphic designs.

Share graphics on social media, websites, e-newsletter, post in workplaces.

#protectsmeprotectsyou #strongertogether

Email us if you need help finding services to get buttons, stickers, masks, etc. for free distribution made with your desired share graphic.

User Agreement:
Give credit to the artist, Steve Thomas, when referring to the art. Note: the artist’s logo is embedded in the share graphic. The beaded artwork was made by the Shoshone Bannock Health Education Program.

  • The share graphics are open-source and free for non-commercial use.

  • The share graphics should not be used for fundraising purposes or any money-making activities.

  • The share graphics should not be misappropriated or exclude any communities nor be altered to convey anti-vaccination messages.